
Unveiling the Transformative Power of Recycled Plastics

With the global economic development and the improvement of living and consumption levels, the consumption of plastics continues to grow. In addition, with the change of people's consumption patterns and the rapid development of new fields in recent years, as well as the large increase in demand for disposable medical and protective supplies has led to a rapid increase in the use of disposable plastic products.


Recycled plastic refers to the chemical materials regained after processing by physical or chemical methods such as pretreatment, shredding, crushing, washing, melt pelletizing and modification of waste recycled plastic, which is the reuse of plastic, and through the recycling of resources, the same can be done for environmental protection and energy saving.


At present, recycled plastics are widely used in textile, automobile, packaging, consumer electronics, agriculture, construction and building materials, etc. Recycled general-purpose plastics are most widely used in film and injection molding, accounting for 36% and 28% respectively. The application ratio of hollow and pipe fields reaches 12%, while the application of recycled engineering plastics in textile, automobile, packaging, consumer electronics, etc. continues to increase. Therefore, recycled plastics are also encouraged and promoted by many national policies.

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